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Christmas in 2020 : A Christmas Special Poem by Debadittya Mitra


With the onset of winter

Christmas comes on 25th December.

This is the time of celebration

At the end of the ongoing year session.


Christmas marks the birth of our Jesus

Son of Lord who came as a savior to us.

It isn’t merely a festival of Christians

But a joyous time for all religions.


Children wait eagerly for Santa Claus

To put priceless gifts in their socks.

Being good especially th’ previous day

They wake up to see gifts showered their way.


This time I wish Santa comes

And frees the world from th’  chain of germs.

The only gift we’re praying for this year

Is a world free from every fear.


Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells

Jingle all the way

Let Santa come riding along

Destroying all th’ germs in his way.


Hymns be sung from home

To the glory of our Lord

No mass gatherings allow’d

But may all our prayers be heard.


 Christmas this year is on virtual platform

Where the faces look like iconised glowworm.

Neither hugs, nor lovin’ touches to share

Maintaining distance for we care.


Streets this time glimmer with light

Beautiful Christmas trees seize our sight.

This festival to me is the best

Where rich ’nd poor alike enjoy the fest.


 No light this time is enough bright

All exhausted in the Covid fight.

Faces in masks look spent

Making Christmas 2020  look so different.


 All celebration this time is virtual

Save our feelings nothing’s real.

Nonetheless we’re all together

To prevent the Corona virus from spreading farther.


We bake cakes and cookies

Share them with friends and relatives.

This year I’ll bake  cookies, cakes for sure

To distribute it among the poor.


We pray with bended knees, folded hands

To take away every ill from our lands.

May our Lord Jesus dear

Empower us to conquer every fear.



 Debadittya Mitra is a student of class II, Garden High School.

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