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Forlorn Christmas : A Christmas Special Poem by Utsri Pan


The huge magnificient fir tree,

Stood far, tall, green above

the miserable man lacking love,

with his son like a caged dove,

 while his wife and daughter had broken free..


Just before two painful decades,

 this man was a poor child,

 on Christmas, still he had smiled,

 with all his family, he reconciled,

 for still not getting to sleep on beds.


Today the man had to force,

 a burning bright smiling face,

 his son stood still due to mental illness,

 his daughter hated his gifted dress,

 his wife never came back after divorce.


The man remembered 20 years ago,

 he had seen a Christmas tree through,

 the rich merchant's window view,

 his family had loved him true,

 even if they couldn't give him a proper home.


This man had worked really hard,

 today he was rich, self-made,

 his working wife and work had lead,

 to his son's mental health fade,

 so his wife left along with his female ward.


He recalled that cold day before 20 years,

 he really did not have anything,

 but his loving family had warmed him,

 what a wonderful feeling he had felt!

 What a  Christmas of love he had seen! 

When all his own people were near.


Today was the loneliest Christmas,

 he was one of the wealthiest man,

 many people loved him as fans,

 Because all his life he ran,

 to land on a throne of money... Alas!


Exactly 20 years before,

 he had wished Christmas to his family,

 on the dark road so cold and chilly,

 but they had wished back so happily,

 O what nurture and love their wish bore!


Today nearly everybody wished to the man,

"Merry Christmas" they said,

 like dialogues read,

 by actors who were paid,

 nobody cared about the ache in his head,

The desire to find love in heaven.


Utsri Pan is a student of Vivekananda Mission School, class X

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