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Showing posts from May, 2022

The Plastic-Free Neighbourhood : Earth Day Special Essay (1st Prize Winner) by Sree Kar Purkayastha, Grade VII, Funlish Language School

  Olivia was returning home from school while riding her cycle. It usually takes her ten to fifteen minutes but today she is stuck in traffic for almost half an hour. After ten more minutes she lost her patience, parked her cycle in a public stand and tried to walk home. She decided to rest by a small lake on her way home. Suddenly she saw a fish struggling. She went to an elderly man called Joe and asked for help. Luckily, Joe was expert in dealing with fishes. He told Olivia that the fish got stuck in a plastic bag. Olivia was shocked to hear that because when she was five years old, she used to play in that same lake and it was as clean as a whistle. She promised that she will try to clean the lake with her friends in the summer holidays. After a few months summer came, and so did the holidays. Olivia did not forget about her promise. It was hard, but she persuaded her friends to help her clean it. A few days passed by, Olivia and her friends were busy cleaning. Suddenly uncle Joe

The True Story of an Eco Warrior : Earth Day Special Essay (2nd Prize Winner) by Sristi Sen, Grade VIII, Funlish Language School

  Elaine was a lovely girl. She was pretty, well-educated and she was extremely polite. Well, one day, her school asked her to talk about her other life. So she began, “Life as an eco-warrior - It sure is interesting. When most people hear the word “eco -warrior” they think of people protesting out in the streets. Although that is true for some people, most of us are not like that. We are just nature lovers and we are aware of the harsh reality of the modern world. We are people who are trying to raise awareness about our deteriorating climate. Let me tell you about my journey of becoming an eco-warrior and what I do now. Ever since I was a child, I have been obsessed with nature. I always loved plants and everything to do with them. I always asked my mother to get me plants but she would always say “You are way too young” or “You won’t be able to take care of them” or “They are too expensive to maintain”. I slowly started losing hope but I still had a sliver of hope left. “Maybe s

How my family and I have banned plastic in our home : Earth Day Special Essay (2nd Prize Winner) by Enakshi Pramanik, Grade VII, Funlish Language School

  Nowadays, plastics are very common all over the world, but these plastics can lead to severe health diseases.  It’s an incident which happened about three years ago. It was my first day at school in class 4. It was a bright sunny day. I was going to school, early morning, when I saw a malodorous garbage dump at the side of the road which made our environment poisonous. It was fully dumped with polythene bags, plastic bottles and rotten garbage. That day, our school bus got late due to traffic. So, after reaching my school, my friends and I rushed in so that we did not have to wait till the gate reopened after the prayer. Then, after two classes were over, the bell rang and the time came to start the geography class. We were all very excited to know who our new session’s geography teacher was.  After our teacher entered the classroom, everyone shouted “Hurray! it’s our previous year’s geography teacher!” Her name was Soma Bhattacharya. She was an ideal teacher who taught stude

Earth Day Every Day : Earth Day Special Essay (3rd Prize Winner) by Shubhraneel Sarkar, Grade VII, Funlish language School

  Though Rohan’s family celebrated Earth Day every year on 22 nd April, he was not at all a nature conscious person. He ate chocolates almost every day. But he threw the wrappers of those chocolates here and there. Everyone warned him many times. But he was not someone who would listen to anybody’s words. One day, seeing Rohan doing this, his friend, Ram Naresh said, “Why do you always throw these plastic wrappers anywhere you want? Don’t you know that these plastic wrappers pollute our Mother Earth?” “Don’t you dare come and teach me how to protect the Earth. I know that better than you all. Every year, I, along with my family, plant a tree and celebrate Earth Day.” said Rohan angrily. “Okay! Do whatever you want.” said Ram Naresh, disheartened. Rohan just ignored him and went straight towards his house. Rohan’s grandmother loved nature. She maintained a garden with colourful flowers. Every day, when Rohan woke up and peeped through his bedroom window, it seemed like the fl

The True Story of an Eco-Warrior : Earth Day Special Essay (3rd Prize Winner) by Saswati Kumar, Grade VII, Funlish Language School

  An eco-warrior is someone who spends a lot of time working actively for environmental causes. I have grown up seeing my father as an eco-warrior. As we all know, 71% of the earth’s surface is covered with water but only 3% of it is fresh water and thus, being an eco-friendly person, the first step to be taken is to save water. My father Mr. Sourin Kumar is a businessman. He is a very eco-friendly person and does not allow any of my family members to waste water unnecessarily and had stopped using plastic bags long back.         Being an eco-warrior, he once thought of giving flight to his innovative ideas. He started a new sewage treatment plant. He put his imaginary ideas together and founded a firm that deals with waste water and its best treatment. Initially, he started his business in a small rented room but gradually, he could make others understand the value and importance of sewage treatment plants which seemed to be the turning point of his business. It flourished mostly in

How my family and I have banned plastic in our home : Earth Day Special Essay (3rd Prize Winner) by Aishi Das, Grade VII, Funlish Langauge School

Narrator: We all know how harmful plastic is. In addition to polluting the earth, it poses a risk to marine life as well. It has come to a point where we all need to eliminate plastic from our daily lives. Keeping tabs on the situation around us is important so that we can take steps to improve it. Let me share a story about a family who inspired others as well.   The Gokhale family lives in Delhi. Mr. Gokhale heads a family of four members which includes his son, his daughter, his wife and himself. One day, at the dinner table, Mr. Gokhale’s son, Arun brought up a very serious topic.   Arun: Father, do you know, today in school, we learned about pollution caused by plastic all over the world. I actually realised today how serious this matter is. I must say our carelessness is the main cause of it. We all think about ourselves but often forget to think about the environment. Every year, plastic waste is generated in large quantities - more than 300 million tonnes. The amount of

Earth Day Every Day : Earth Day Special Essay (3rd Prize winner) by Angelisa Das, Grade VII, Funlish Language School

  Once upon a time, there lived a boy named Raj. He always used to waste water, food and never used to water his plants. He always used to leave the water tap on after use and use plastic bags even though he had jute ones. His friends were really annoyed by his behaviour. His mother told him not to waste water and food, but he never listened to her. But Raj really didn’t know that he was harming the earth. So, his friends decided to teach him a lesson. They told him that earth is running out of water and many people are dying because of thirst. They even said that their friend, Krish died because of hunger and thirst. But it didn’t seem to affect Raj much and he continued playing with food and wasting water. But then, things got worse. He even started to waste electricity. He never used to turn off the lights and fans after use. So, his mother decided to teach him a lesson by not using electricity for one day. Raj was shocked and angry when he heard he had to survive without electricit