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A short story on World Water Day by Srabosti Bhattacharya, Grade IX, Funlish Language School


One day, all the planets of our solar system were having a meeting. They were talking about how their lives were, their daily experiences, and so on.

Suddenly Jupiter said, “Really Earth, you are so lucky to have all those creatures living with you.”

“Yeah! Wish I had some companions too. I sometimes feel so lonely –”, Uranus piped up.

Venus said sadly, “Look at me. I always feel so hot. And look at Earth, how pleasant his temperature always is! I really wish I could be as blue as you.”

“See friends, I am the closest to Earth and we are almost alike. We have almost  the same atmosphere, same temperature and the same soil. Still, I have no life and it’s only because I don't have water. Just because he has water, Earth is always so green and full of life! I sometimes actually feel jealous, you know.” said Mercury matter-of-factly.

Earth laughed. Then he took a deep sigh and said, “To be honest, there was a time when I used to be really happy for having with me so many species. However, all I can see now is a disastrous future. The humans do not care for my water. They simply misuse and waste it without caring even for the other birds and animals. They do not even think what will happen if there is no water for them to drink or use in future. My water supplies are gradually depleting or getting contaminated for the carelessness and ignorance of the humans. I fear that day is not faraway when all my lifeforms will die out of thirst. This single thought keeps haunting me day and night...”

All the planets looked worried. After a moment or so, Saturn suddenly spoke up, “Why don't you go to Sun? He is the wisest of all. I am sure he will be able to solve your problem.”

The others agreed with him. So they all went to Sun for a solution to this problem.

After Earth narrated everything, Sun thought for a while with his hand on his chin. Then he said, “Well, I have a solution. I shall make the humans realise the necessity to preserve water within twenty four hours. I daresay they will stop wasting it.”

The Sun told them about his plan. One by one, all the planets returned to their positions and Earth started rotating on it's axis. As each of Earth's places faced the Sun, it dried all the water of that place. Within moments, the people realized that all the water from oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, ponds, canals had vanished. Even the underground waters also disappeared.

Within a day, the Earth lost all its water. Many trees weakened and some died. The Earth looked brown and dry.

The humans suffered no less! They started craving for some water. No one had a single drop left to drink. Many older and sick people became unconscious. People could not take bath or clean their clothes and utensils. Crops dried. Animals and birds also suffered. It was horrible!

The humans, however, now realized the importance of water and how they had always wasted this precious element. All of them started praying to Mother Nature to return the water to them. They all begged for their survival.

It was now enough, thought Earth. He could not bear to see this pathetic condition of his creatures anymore. He requested Sun to stop his punishment.

“Alright”, said Sun and all the oceans, seas, ponds, rivers, lakes filled themselves with cool, fresh water once again. Then he addressed the humans and spoke loudly for them to hear ---

“You have been given back your water. Make sure you waste them no more, Humans. Otherwise you are bound to welcome your own destruction one day.”

All the humans heard it and took an oath that they would never ever waste even a drop of water.


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